Start the year off with our Biofilm Phase-2 Advanced! Now 20% off

Biofilm is a vegetarian capsule containing Bismuth Subnitrate, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Black Cumin (seed). This formulation is an exclusive from Dr. Paul Anderson. Biofilm is designed to disrupt advanced biofilms (Phase 2) and support the immune system, allowing for the body to redirect focus where needed.

Dr. Paul Anderson is well-known in the naturopathic community, specializing in complex clinical medicine, intravenous and injection medicine, oncology and geonomics.

Bismuth Subnitrate is a compound that is generally used to help eliminate bacteria that can cause stomach discomfort.

Alpha Lipoic Acid is a fatty acid made by your body. It plays a key role in metabolism and energy production and functions as an antioxidant. It is also key in balancing temporary inflammation and can help the immune system in both direct and indirect ways.

Black Cumin (seed) has many benefits, including aiding in healthy cholesterol metabolism, balancing a body’s natural inflammation responses in the body and playing a role in optimal blood pressure. Not to be confused with cumin (brown), black cumin is also called black seed, caraway or fennel flower. It’s is commonly found in SW Asia and parts of the Mediterranean/Africa. Used for centuries in herbal medicine for inflammation reduction, Priority One is proud to feature this incredible ingredient in Biofilm.

Priority One guarantees that all our botanicals are radiation-free and obtained through only the most reputable of sources.

As a special offer to our loyal customers, we are offering 20% off of Biofilm in the month of January. Please use code “Phase2” to receive this offer on your website or phone order.

Dr. Paul S. Anderson is on the leading forefront of biofilm research and education.  

We are excited to announce that we have received exclusive access to Dr. Paul Anderson’s webinar on BioFilms, worth $59.00 – and are offering it to you for FREE!

Visit this page for more information.

Also, see our previous post on Biofilms for a deeper dive into what biofilms are.

For your chance to win two bottles of Biofilm Phase-2 Advanced PLUS a $50 gift certificate, register on our website and email us at with your name and address!

Good luck and here’s to a wonderful 2022 for all

October Special Product Spotlight – Methyl Balance and B-12 Rapid Shot

October Special Product Spotlight – Methyl Cycle and B-12 Support

 This month we are featuring Methyl Balance and B-12 Rapid Shot

Methyl Balance is a balanced support for the whole methyl cycle in a physician designed, patient result oriented formulation.*

Dr. Paul Anderson designed this supplement as both a chronic support for people needing the whole methyl cycle and associated pathways supported, as well as a next step maintenance formula for those no longer needing higher dose methyl cycle support.

The nutrients are in doses and forms designed to create support with balance.  Dose intensity can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing daily dose without altering the balance effect.*

B12 Rapid Shot was designed to support the rapid delivery of high potency B12 without the pain.* It is a great tasting high potency B12 supplying 5,000mcg of methylcobalamin per nano tablet.

Methylcobalamin is the active form of vitamin B12 that acts as a cofactor for methionine synthase in the normal conversion of homocysteine to methionine.

It also acts as a methyl donor and participates in the synthesis of SAM-e (S-adenosylmethionine), a nutrient that is active in individuals with normal responses to occasional external stressors.*

Buy Methyl-Balance, get B-12 Rapid Shot free!

Just add all items to your cart on our Website, enter the promo code “freeb12“and your discount will apply.

Also, be entered to win a $100 gift certificate by commenting below or sharing this special on Facebook here!

Not available to distributors, cannot be combined with other discounts.
Promotion Available until October 31, 2018.


Priority One Upcoming Events:
October 2018
October 6th-7th, 2018
Location:Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, AZ
October 6th-7th, 2018
Theme:  “Clinical Pearls in Daily Practice”
Location: Lynwood Convention Center, Lynwood, WA
October 12th-13th, 2018
Theme: “Therapeutic Order in Clinical Practice”
Location: Naturopathic Medicine Institute, Norwalk, CT
October 20th-21st, 2018
Theme:  “Strategies for Promoting Healthy  GI Gunctions and Supporting the Health of the Alimentary Canal”
Location: National University of Natural Medicine

November 2018
November 2nd, 2018
Location: Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine
November 2nd – 4th, 2018
Theme:  “The Future of Medicine, An Integrative Approach”
Location: The Westin Carlsbad Resort & Spa, Calsbad, CA
Do you have an upcoming event you would like us to attend such as an Open House or Grand Opening? Contact us at – we’d love to support your events by providing samples and the option to send a Priority One representative to join you.

Biofilms role in today’s health.

What is a BioFilm?

Biofilms are little communities of organisms in your body that join forces to avoid elimination. The protective coating they form is officially called a polymer matrix, which is like a “force field” or barrier that keeps drugs like antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals or any other antimicrobial from being effective in removing them. They are a huge concern in the medical community at the moment, however, many patients and physicians don’t even know about them. 

Biofilms are capable of adapting to many environments and thus can be found in all parts of the body. These areas include teeth, sinuses, tonsils, eustachian tubes of the middle ear and the intestines. Biofilms in the intestines can lead to chronic digestive and allergic responses often seen in difficult cases.

Immune Imbalance

The immune system is responsible for attacking, controlling and eliminating biofilms. In healthy individuals, this happens regularly, however, in susceptible individuals, biofilms can take hold and begin to wreak havoc on the whole body, specifically the immune system.


By launching an attack on the biofilms via immune cells (macrophages, natural killer cells, cytotoxic T cells and T lymphocytes) the body also creates a significant amount of inflammation. What happens then is the immune system shifts to what we call a TH2 dominant state with the TH1 cells in a lowered state. By shifting to TH2 dominance, the body is then unable to launch a full TH1 attack and eliminate the biofilm. It is most likely constantly battling the biofilm, but simply doesn’t have enough strength to eliminate it.

A TH2 dominant state is very common in many conditions. The TH2 dominant state is what we find in many people with traditional allergies. If you have an overactive TH2 dominant system, you will tend to have food allergies and sensitivities or airborne allergies and an increase in histamine release. This may even be confused with histamine intolerance. Some things that may push someone towards TH2 dominance include genetic predisposition, toxic substances and heavy metal exposure.

Biofilms and the Gut

One of the reasons you may have biofilms in the first place is due to early exposure to antibiotics. There are actually good biofilms that can be destroyed by antibiotics. These good biofilms and healthy gut flora provide a natural type of defense to foreign invaders.   Without the good biofilms as a defense mechanism, bad biofilms can proliferate and destroy the gut lining and increase permeability, a term commonly coined as “leaky gut”. With leaky gut, the intestinal barrier is compromised and allows substances to move into the bloodstream. By allowing different substances into the bloodstream, inflammation begins and things such as food allergies and sensitivities eventually alter the health of the immune system. The leaky gut will lead us to a TH2 dominant state as I mentioned above. Leaky gut also can slow down digestion, decrease toxin clearance and initiate proinflammatory chemicals.

Clinical Research

Research in gut health and immune system responses to permeable gut linings are revealing significantly new understandings into how these natural defenses work. This new research also helps us learn how to support the body’s ability to maintain a balanced and healthy gut flora.  

Dr. Paul S. Anderson is on the leading forefront of biofilm research and education.  

We are excited to announce that we have received exclusive access to Dr. Paul Anderson’s webinar on BioFilms, worth $59.00 – and are offering it to you for FREE!

Visit this page for more information.

Good health to you!

Danielle Baumgart, President

Priority One Nutritional Supplements Inc.