Hello everyone!

Summer has finally arrived and many of us have brushed off the moss (at least for us, Pacific North Westerners) strawberries are ripening and the cherry trees are teaming with growing cherries.

I love cherries I try every year to beat the birds to our trees and make at least one cherry pie for my husband, but the race is on again. I check every morning to see if they are ready. (I will include my cherry pie recipe at the end of this post for those who’d like to try it)!
Cherries and summer go hand and hand, did you know that cherries naturally reduce levels of uric acid in the body?1,2
Uric acid is a naturally occurring acid in the body but when it is present in high-levels it can contribute to the painful temporary deposits on joint surfaces.
These deposits can be brought about by a variety of factors, one of which is an abrupt temporary rise in serum uric acid levels. This in turn can be secondary to several environmental issues that are part of our summer fun; travel, especially air travel, hiking or other outdoor adventures, BBQ’s and alcohol can all lead to dehydration and concentration of uric acid. One episode and your summer fun can all but be ruined. So here are some summer tips for you:
First hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! As I am writing this I am sitting in an airport lounge waiting for yet another flight (road warriors hear me now) I woke up at 4 am for my first flight and promptly forwent my usual first thing first coffee before functioning, for WATER, yes water should always be what I start with but that’s another story for another day.
After security sparkling water and a coffee finally, 60 minute plane ride = 20 ounces of more water. With breakfast water, and now almost boarding for my next leg and a 20 ounce organic herbal tea!

So what am I saying? Drink Your Water! Not only does it dilute the temporary uric acid spikes but it makes your skin look so much better! Believe me you don’t want to be that flyer that ages ten years during your flight.
Second, watch that alcohol, it doesn’t mean you can’t imbibe but do so wisely, alternate between drinks with water, apply the social drinking rule of no more than one drink an hour.

Did you know that the type of alcohol you choose also makes a difference? Beer is the biggest culprit, with spirits coming in better, and as always my favorite wine is the best choice for keeping your healthy uric acid levels within the normal range.

Finally, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, low inflammation foods, and of course healthy doses of cherries!
If you would like an alternative for when cherries are not in season check out our new UA Clear.
UA Clear has been formulated by Dr. John Hahn, it boasts VitaCherry® a standardized extract of sour cherry containing powerful anthocyanins, which give cherries their distinctive red color.
I hope you enjoy the following Baumgart Summer Cherry Pie