We have been waiting a long time for the sun to come out over here in the Pacific Northwest. The sun is finally showing her beautiful face and as the days grow longer, so will the time we can spend outdoors. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, fall and winter are the times to rest and draw in while spring and summer are the times for being active and expanding.
Aside from the many wonderful recreational benefits we can enjoy from being active outdoors – connecting with friends, family and engaging in our favorite sports – let’s not forget the amazing health benefits there are as well! Staying active has been shown to improve sleep, help with depression, decrease cardiovascular risk factors and balance blood sugar.
Whether you are staying active by taking walks in the park, swimming, or doing something more intense like playing sports, hiking, mountain biking, or marathon running, we have you covered! Priority One’s Proto-Zyme and Priority Zyme are powerhouse supplements that include proteolytic enzymes to support healthy joints, muscles, and circulation.
Priority One debuted with 4 products back in 1988, and Proto-Zyme was one of them! It is a powerful proteolytic enzyme tablet designed to support your body’s normal connective tissue repair and synthesis. It also has nutrients like zinc, lysozyme, cellulose and thymus that can aid in maintaining a healthy immune system.
For more strenuous exercise, Priority Zyme is a high potency formula that provides nutritional support for cellular health, containing ample amounts of proteolytic enzymes. Proteolytic enzymes support a healthy inflammatory response due to strenuous exercise. Enzymes are essential for metabolism, and play a key role in the optimal function of a healthy body. Other benefits of proteolytic enzymes include support for healthy joints and muscles, immune support, and post-surgical support.
For the month of June we are featuring 20% OFF Proto-Zyme & Priority Zyme!
Enter discount code ACTIVE20 at checkout.
Proto-Zyme Proto-Zyme provides powerful proteolytic enzymes.*
Priority Zyme Priority Zyme a clinical strength proteolytic enzyme supporting a healthy inflammatory response due to strenuous exercise.*
Offer valid through June 30, 2022
Monthly specials cannot be combined with other offers (such as a percentage off for a show special) and is not available to distributors.
Monthly specials can be combined with our premium product specials.