We received this wonderful testimonial during a conference, and wanted to share Jeff’s story with you. Thank you so much to Jeff, whom we are so glad to have helped with our Healthy Heart formula!
“I am a 50 yr. old male with no prior cardiac conditions, no family history of cardiac issues. I eat well, never smoked , not much of a drinker. I’ve been a competitive athlete my entire life-I’m in excellent physical condition.
This is why it was so shocking when I experienced my first Afib episode about four years ago. I woke up in the middle of the night to my heart racing and doing flips in my chest.
To say it scared me is a huge understatement. After being told at the ER that night that I did indeed experience an Afib episode, I earnestly began researching this seemingly debilitating health issue.
I saw a couple cardiologists and they wanted to put me on blood-thinners, as well as a couple other drugs.
I wanted no part of this. I was determined to treat this problem naturopathically.
I began to see a pattern developing when I had an Afib episode. They happened every now and then, but they only occurred in the middle of the night and they lasted for about 4-6 hours.
There was one glaring trigger: alcohol. Even if I only had one beer with dinner(I only had a beer once in awhile anyway), I would automatically go into an Afib episode later that night.
That was an easy decision. No more alcohol (at all).
I also began to research different herbs that might help alleviate my Afib. I was well-verses in anything natural that could help alleviate afib.
I decided to see an ND for my issue and see ordered a bunch of tests. She also told me to start taking a supplement called Healthy Heart by Priority One Vitamins.
I examined every ingredient with a fine-tooth comb. This supplement had EVERY ingredient that I had been researching over the previous six months.
Long story short…after realizing a couple other triggers for my Afib attacks (high sodium, high sugar, and alcohol), I’ve developed a winning recipe for keeping Afib at bay.
I take Healthy Heart 3x day, drink a gallon of water every day (staying hydrated in essential for Afib patients, no alcohol, and keeping my sodium/sugar levels low).
There isn’t a better supplement on the market for AFib sufferers!”
-Jeff in Sisters, Or.

If you have a story to share about our products, including
Healthy Heart please email us & we would be glad to send you products to support your healthy lifestyle!