Priority One is the only company on the market with a complete label
disclosure policy.
This means we require our raw material suppliers to provide us with flow charts and full disclosure of process materials so that we in turn can disclose this to you the customer! If a supplier chooses not to submit these documents our quality control personnel reject these incoming raw materials and they are not allowed in our Priority One product line.

Most companies limit their disclosure to only ingredients actually added at the time of manufacture, this as you will learn in later posts is not the whole picture, allergens, glutens, animal products and preservatives have all been found by our quality control department at the review stage and these ingredients have been rejected for use. Does your supplement company have this type of commitment to quality?

Priority One does not try to mislead the physician or patient in the labeling of our supplements. Since we manufacture in house and source our own raw ingredients we are able to know exactly what is in our products and make sure you do also!
For a label to label comparison I will be updating this post in the next few weeks so stay tuned, and you will see examples of what other supplement companies are refusing to show you on their labels!
Danielle S. Baumgart, President
Priority One Nutritional Supplements Inc